Hey there! Feels nice to be on the other side. I’ve consumed stuff from the internet for so long without ever contributing back.

This year I attended my first FOSDEM. I’ve been a supporter of free and open-source software for a long time, for instance by running my own cloud or using Firefox and DuckDuckGo. However, attending FOSDEM gave me a different kind of motivation to take this even further and contribute to an open and decentralized web – I’m now self-hosting this blog using the incredible Hugo, but that’s the subject of a future post.

Right now I’m on my way to ElixirConf EU, which will certainly yield material for at least one more blog post. If you had told me a few years ago that I’d be on a plane heading to a speakers’ dinner with so many idols of mine (such as José Valim and Chris McCord), I’d certainly advise you to reduce your wine consumption. Life’s full of surprises, I guess is the point of this introductory post – hopefully the first of many! 🤞